Because of my love for the written word, I assist a limited number of bold authors each year.
Book cover design is available for authors who want to be different, classy, artsy, avante garde, unique, or remarkable. I also offer “old-school” book typography, guidance through the publishing process, and editing/coaching/encouragement on “the writer’s journey.”
- Design Qualifications: Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, 15 years of university design teaching experience, Adobe Site-of-the-Day Winner, Runner-up in Adobe Design Achievement Awards.
- Book Cover Design: If I design your cover, I will read all or most of your book so I can capture the essence of what it’s about. Final art is adjusted to production specs and prepped to print properly the first time.
- Book Typography is a specialty. This includes creating drop-caps by hand, use of typefaces specialized for book typography, classic page layout, and elimination of widows and orphans and runts (one word on the last line of a paragraph). Every paragraph and every page is inspected and adjusted to pre-digital standards. Compare a book you find in an antique store to one you find in a bookstore. Call me if you want your pages to “glow in the dark” the way they used to in the days of hot metal type.
- Developmental and Technical Editing is priced after I’ve inspected your manuscript. I’ll mark up a thousand words or so at no charge, and this will give you a sense of my style and value, the readiness of your manuscript for release, and what working together will be like.
For details about publishing services and endless, useful advice on writing, publishing, and book design, see
- What I Couldn’t Tell You
- The Wisdom of 76
- Strings: A Guitarmaker’s Journey
- Excerpts From an Era
- With Malice Toward None
- Monergy
- The Story Story
- Walk & Roll
- True Worldly Things
- Riler Town
- The Secret Life of My Father
- White Mythology
- An Instructor’s Guide to Teaching Military Students
- The Dance
- Waves
- The Blue Monk
- The Engaged Sales Conversation
- Just Go!
- The Health of Your Wealth
- From a Machine Shop to Gulf + Western
- Product Process People
- It’s been Great!
- Speaking Circus
- Speak Inside the Box
- Buy Right. Eat Right. Feel Right
- Currents
- Lights Down
- The Foreign Consuls Among Us
- The Story Formula
- A Hebraic Obsession
- Slowing Down
- The Money Mindset Book
- With this Last Thought
- Living on the Outskirts of Heaven
- StorySailing
- Fear of Love
- It’s Raining Clients
- The Greatest Gift
- Honey I’m Home
- Stand & Deliver
- The Raspberry Man
- FSA Speaker Academy Manual
- GOD’s Biblical Evolutionss
- The Writer’s Guide to Powerful Prose
- Writing for Robots and Readers
- Death of the Guitar
- The Ethical Speaker
- The One-HOur Guide to Self-Publishing
- Whose Pot is This?
- Oh Palestine