The advanced to the next slide and began to explain.

I suppose this might make some sort of sense if someone breaks it down for you. We can see the progression from purple to green to blue to red but here's the problem:

How could anybody who owns just one brain read and decipher something this complex while paying attention to the words being delivered by the presenter?

It's simple.

They can't!

No one can!

If the goal of their is to walk the audience through a slide, they've got it backward.

The goal of a good slide is to help your audience focus on you!

Otherwise, there's a much better way to share information—a way that allows the audience to focus on the diagram in their own and take in every word you have to share.

It's called a printed handout!

According to Microsoft, bad presentations cost the world $250 million dollars … every day!

I'm Dave Bricker from Remarkable Stories encouraging you to use PowerPoint to make your point with power. If boring and ineffective meetings are costing your company millions, too, there is a solution. Set up a coffee and we'll chat.


Set up some chat time using the scheduler below. Once you select a time, you'll receive an email with a ZOOM link.

Or just send an email and we'll get you set up the good old-fashioned way.

Still planning your professional development calendar? Many people schedule meetings months ahead. Let's talk when the time is best for you.