speak inside the box virtual stage

Today’s speakers, trainers, and leaders struggle to engage colleagues and clients inside the “box” of viewers’ computer and cellphone screens. SPEAK INSIDE THE BOX offers simple, practical advice for on-screen presenters.


  • Lead and interact effectively at virtual meetings.
  • Give your audience the “big stage” experience as a virtual event speaker.
  • Expand your impact as an effective virtual trainer.
  • Adapt traditional presentation skills to your on-screen performances.
  • Demystify the technology required to present in a variety of styles.

Whether you’re a professional speaker, a business leader, a solopreneur, or a team member wanting to build new skills, SPEAK INSIDE THE BOX  is your essential, illustrated guide to becoming an effective on-screen presenter and leader.

Speak Inside the Box by Dave Bricker



In March of 2020, the coronavirus challenged my speaking and presentation coaching business.

Virtual presentations were the new frontier, but as I attended more and more online meetings, I noticed consistent problems: Most people didn’t look professional on-screen. They were backlit, dimly lit, washed out, blurry, or had “hot spots” on their noses and foreheads from their desk lamps.

Sitting down, two feet from a camera works great for conversation, but it doesn’t work well for presentations. Speakers need to “work the stage,” make hand gestures, and use their full vocal range. Using your “big voice” that close to other faces feels uncomfortable and confrontational. Most speakers slip back into “conversation mode.”

speak inside the box fully illustrated

As it turns out, professionals still need help with presentation skills, but the stage has changed. SPEAK INSIDE THE BOX offers commonsense guidance from a professional speaker about videoconferencing and on-screen presenting. The book stops short of recommending specific equipment or software (as this is constantly evolving and changing), but it will familiarize you with the basics of cameras, microphones, green screens, and how to connect and engage from the virtual stage.

For less than the cost of a glossy pair of heels or a designer sport jacket (which are now hanging in the closet unused), you can look bright, sharp, and colorful on-screen while keeping viewers focused on you and your message. Whether you’re a professional speaker who wants to “go virtual,” a leader who wants to look sharp, or a professional who wants to … well … look professional, SPEAK INSIDE THE BOX offers easy to understand information and over fifty diagrams and illustrations.