May 18, 2021

The All-Things-Vocal Podcast

Talking about storytelling with with Judy Rodman.

April 29, 2021

Your Intended Message

Talking about storytelling with with George Torok.

April 27, 2021

The Hero Show

Talking about storytelling with with Richard Matthews.


April 8, 2021

South Florida Speakers Forum

with Rosemary Ravinal, Errol Leandre, and Anna Keeler.


March 31, 2021

FSA Speaker Spotlight with James Henderson


March 27, 2021

The Thomas Green Podcast

March 6, 2021

The Solopreneur Success Podcast

February 26, 2021

John Ball’s Speaking of Influence Podcast!


February 18, 2021

Robb Jarret’s Robbcast

February 9, 2021

Enterprise Zone Interview


February 1, 2021

Trade Show University Podcast


January 13, 2021

The Author’s Podcast with Lisa Newton


January/Feb, 2021

Toastmasters for Professional Speakers?

Article for the January/February, 2021 issue of Speaker Magazine.

September 26, 2020

Video Podcast with Jennifer Garman: Dave Bricker on Business Storytelling


September 16, 2020

BizHack Presents: Dave Bricker on Business Storytelling


Sept 1, 2020

Speaker Magazine: Take Your Talk from the Stage to the Screen

Article on Virtual Speaking for September/October, 2020 issue of Speaker Magazine

August 28, 2020

Lead Your Team Through Storytelling with Dave with Bricker

This week on the Drop-In CEO, Dave Bricker shares how you can find your voice, your story, and your confidence by honing the art of business storytelling. Join Deborah and Dave as they discuss how stories create a deeper understanding of humanity, what happens when a story takes too long, and why data may be preventing you from fully connecting with your audience.

August 17, 2020

10 Tips for Being Your Best at Virtual meetings

Dave Bricker shares virtual meeting tips on the Shock Your Potential Podcast.

Speaker, trainer, and coach, Dave Bricker gives us his top ten tips for being your best in virtual meetings. How do you put your best virtual self forward? From virtual backdrops to being lame to not always apologizing, Dave has the answers that will make you a virtual superstar.

August 9, 2020


Pat Iyer: Dave Bricker talks with me about Story Creation through Sailing

  • The importance of bringing your life experiences to whatever you write
  • How to bring out the deeper lessons that will make your stories compelling to the reader
  • To keep foremost in your awareness that people want to be inspired and transformed
  • Why independent publishing allows you to realize your vision
  • The importance of your published work as a stepping stone to other goals


August 1, 2020


Rik Roberts: I am extremely excited to share with you some storytelling tips for speakers with Dave Bricker. Dave is an experienced speakertrainer, and coach. Even more cool is he is a sailor! In fact, he combines his love of sailing with storytelling and is able to help people tell remarkable stories—through writing, speaking, graphic design, video, technology, and music. If you want to say it, share it, or sell it, bring me your story; Dave can help you tell it.

I talk with Dave about how speakers and comedians can use storytelling to get their points across. It’s interesting to hear how Dave uses the sea as a metaphor to help people learn how to get their messages and stores told.

July 21, 2020

NSA’s “Voices of experience” Podcast

Switching to virtual presentations isn’t as simple as sitting in front of your laptop and delivering the same speech you would have given on the main stage. While you don’t need to build a full production studio in your home, there are a few investments you should make to ensure you stand out and impress your audience. This week, Dave Bricker, MFA, the author of Speak Inside the Box, is on the show to discuss the basics of what will help you stand out on the virtual stage.

July 10, 2020

Upward Trajectory Podcast

By Jennifer Garman. Meet Dave Bricker. Hear about his incredible journey and how storytelling became the pillar of his career.

June 28, 2020

Lessons from Lincoln

A Special Public Speaking Workshop on Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

May 29, 2020

The Speaker’s Journey

My Toastmasters District 47 Humorous Speech Contest Entry

May 26, 2020

Panel Discussion: Ethics for Speakers

Four NSA Speakers discuss ethical issues strategies related to the professional speaking industry.

April 29, 2020

Three Minutes with Ronan Leonard

April 13, 2020

Dr. Jo Lichten: A Story for the (Quarantine) Times

March 12, 2020

Jody Krangle: Interview with Dave Bricker Part 1

Interview With Storyteller, Dave Bricker – Part 1

March 10, 2020

Three Minutes with Ronan Leonard

Feb 19, 2020

The Dreamers Succeed Podcast with Berta Medina

Feb 6, 2020

Three Minutes with Ronan Leonard

November 6, 2019

“Keepin’ It Real”

Dave Bricker moderates this panel discussion about the realities of the speaking business

July 18, 2019

“Storytelling for Speakers”

Keith Harmeyer facilitates this webinar about storytelling for the Florida chapter of the National Speakers Association

March 19, 2019 Interview

Dave Farrow interviews me about business storytelling.




StorySailing Article in Speaker Magazine

Abridged chapter from my book, The Story Story on the four elements of storytelling in The National Speakers Association’s Speaker Magazine. … Read online


Download article as PDF


OCTOBER 13, 2018

Christo and Jeanne‑Claude in Miami
The Library and the Surrounded Islands Project

Enjoy an experimental panel discussion with artists Kerry Ware, Dave Bricker, and Veronica Fazzio. Learn how Miami participated in the Christo and Jeanne‑Claude Surrounded Islands project and how the city was temporarily and forever transformed. … Read More


OCTOBER 4, 2018


Dave Bricker is an expert in storytelling. As a professional speaker, he knows how to craft a great story to connect with people in the audience. I met with him and he shared how stories can build loyalty in business. … Read More


May 24, 2018

VoyageMIA: Meet Dave Bricker of Remarkable Stories

After finishing my first year of college in 1983, I returned to Miami to work on the Christo Surrounded Islands project. It was 1983. There, I met some people who lived on their sailboats in the free anchorage at Dinner Key. Up until that time, I thought adventure stories only happened in books and movies, but … Read More


January 27, 2018



July 2, 2014

Author Pitch: The Blue Monk by Dave Bricker

Most ebooks formats feel like they’ve been designed and coded by someone who’s never read an ebook, let alone written one. Not only has Dave Bricker written novels and a memoir, but he has published them on his own platform. In this week’s Author Pitch, he tells us about what he’s done that warranted chronicling and how that changed …  Read More

Useful Files